Post Image: Garden Update May 2020
  • Sylvia Colles
  • 7 Jun 2020
  • Herb Garden

Garden Update May 2020

Spring weeding in the Woldumar Herb Garden has begun. It’s always exciting to see what has survived winter’s cold temperatures. Warm weather has brought an end to the truce between the bee balm and the lemon balm.  Both send out roots to expand their territory, and they have both invaded the mulched demilitarized zone between them.  They also escape the garden by creeping under the fence.  They are both aggressive spreaders but are not difficult to pull out when they are where they should not be.  Weeding them releases their scent. The bee balm, Monarda didyma, has a sweet rose-like smell; the lemon balm, Melissa officinalis, smells just like lemon pledge.  On the other hand, comfrey, Symphytum officinale, is both aggressive and difficult to remove because of its very deep roots.  The comfrey is starting to display its beautiful pink turning to blue blossoms.  These plants are worth visiting the herb garden to see.  All the plants have markers indicating both their common name and their botanical name.

Woldumar may not be open to activities at this point, but the trails are open, and there are many more walkers than usual enjoying being outside in the fresh air while maintain social distancing.  Come stroll through the herb garden. 

Content provided with permission by Sylvia Colles. Questions for Sylvia (about the garden) may be relayed by contacting; emails can be readily forwarded to her.

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