Post Image: News From The Herb Garden May 15, 2017
  • Joanne Tillotson
  • 18 May 2017
  • Herb Garden

News From The Herb Garden May 15, 2017

Angelica (Angelica archangelica) is one several new herbs in the Moon Log Cabin Herb Garden this year. It will be hard to overlook or look over when it is mature since it can reach 5-8ft. It was making good progress towards that goal when I was weeding the garden on Mothers Day. The flowers appear late in June, but not until the second or third year and are said to have a honeylike fragrance. Well have to wait another year or two to smell if this is true. Once it does flower, it will die. Since this plant is in the same family as dill, parsley, and lovage, the Umbelliferae family, the blossoms will have that same shape which always reminds me of an opened umbrella. The leaves look like those of celery. The stems are stout, round, and hollow and purplish colored. The leaves, stems, roots and seeds all have a licorice-like flavor. Dried ground root has a bolder and earthier flavor and is a great addition to breads, cakes, and cookies.

Angelica has a rich history of folklore and a reputation for magical powers. It is supposed to ward off evil spirits and witches. The juice of the roots was used during the time of the Great Plague (1665) to treat the afflicted. It was also used to treat rabies. American Indians used angelica to treat a variety of ailments including respiratory problems, consumption, and tuberculous. (By the way, we never suggest using any herbs from the garden for medicinal purposes!) In modern times, it is used as a flavoring in tobacco. It may help protect from witches, but not from lung cancer.

This is my first attempt at a blog not even sure what a blog is! But, I do love sharing information about the garden and the herbs in it. If you have questions about the plants in Woldumar’s herb garden, I’ll try to answer them. If you would like to help in the garden, that would be wonderful. A volunteer recently help spread mulch in the paths. Many thanks go out to him and his muscles.

Content provided with permission by Sylvia Colles. If you'd like to volunteer to help in the Herb Garden, download the volunteer form or just join us on one of the general workdays. Questions for Sylvia (about the garden) may be relayed by contacting; emails can be readily forwarded to her.

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